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A listing of the Public Houses, Publicans and Public House address in 1846
Nags Head, William Atherfold, Mare street, Hackney
Nags Head, William Baker, 10 James street, Covent
Nags Head, Nath Bowdler, 70 Cotton street, Poplar
Nags Head, T Free, 30 Tothill street, Westminster
Nags Head, H Gollings, 3 Postern row, Tower Hill
Nags Head, Mrs Mary Howse, 80 Grays Inn lane
Nags Head, Mrs M
A Hughes, 10 Whitechapel road
Nags Head, Mrs E Hyde, Cain place, Kentish Town
Nags Head, Thomas James, Wandsworth road
Nags Head, John
Leach, Battersea
Nags Head, D Palmer, New street,
Princes street, Lambeth
Nags Head, Patrick J Luby, 137 Houndsditch
Nags Head, M Mactaggart, 2 London terrace, Hackney road
Nags Head, Joseph Percy, 31 New Compton street, Soho
Nags Head, Charles
Rowcliffe, 39 Leather lane
Nags Head, Joseph Shipley, 74 St John street, Clerkenwell
Nags Head, Robert Tritton, 343 Oxford street
Nags Head,
John Wrinch, 37 South Audley street
Naked Boy and Woolpack,
R G Teed, 23 Parish street
Navy Arms, H R Watling, New King street, Deptford
Needlemakers Arms,
Mrs Mary Raffe, 23 Dalgleish street, Commercial road east
Nell Gwynne, W Watson, 1 Grosvenor row, Pimlico
Nelsons Head, J Elkins, 1 Great York mews, Marylebone
Nelsons Head, William
Nelson, Nelson street, Hackney road
Neptune, E J Delafore, 8 Neptune street, Rotherhithe
Neptune, F Esse, 31 Clarendon street, Somers Town
Neptune, Mrs Mary Tregunno, Creek street, Deptford
New Barn, David J Liston, 12 Pickett street, Strand
New Bell, T Bryon, 16 York street,
York road, Lambeth
Newcastle on Tyne, R
Parker, 7 Cambridge street, Golden square
New Chesterfield Arms,
J Dymes, Shepherd street, Mayfair
New Cross, Edward Smith, New Cross
New Crown & Cushion,
Abel Smith, 55 Mount street, Lambeth
New Dover Castle, Jno Hy Watchorn, 53a Bridge road, Lambeth
New England Lighthouse, J
George, Stone stairs, Ratcliff
New George, Samuel Bacon, 18 Drury court, Drury lane
New Globe, Thomas Gardner, Mile End road
New Grapes, John
Bowyer, 82 Fenchurch street
New Grapes, Robert Thurlow,
242 Bermondsey street
New Guildford Barge, W
Coysh, 9 Belvedere road
New Inn, G E Bartlett, 1
Henry street east, Avenue road
New Inn, William Hart, 9 Bulstrode street, Manchester square
New Inn, J Robertson, 186 Tottenham Court road
New Inn, Mrs A Whatmore, 5 Edgware road,
New Inn, Joseph Williams, 96 Bridge road, Lambeth
New London Bridge,
Ts Measures, 20 Maze pond
New Merlins Cave, J Davison, 45 Upper Rosoman street
New Pier House, Robert Stout, 34 Cheyne walk
New Red Lion, John Snelling, Harrow road
New River Head, F & H Flowers,
Limehouse cut
New Rum Puncheon, Mrs J Orgill, 4 Rose & Crown court, Finsbury
New Star & Crown, R Powsey, 3 Broadway, Westminster
New Tariff, George
Titterton, 42 Old street road
Newington Arms, H Neale,
18 King street, Walworth
Newport Arms, James Hyett, Newport market
Nightingale, Mrs L Baldock, 33 Alpha road, Regents Park
Noahs Ark, Sam Butcher, 179 Rotherhithe street
Noahs Ark, I M
Carter, 216 Blackfriars road
Noahs Ark, George F Clavell, Narrow street, Ratcliff
Noahs Ark, Thomas Keeley, High street, Deptford
Noahs Ark, Thomas
Shurvell, 313 Oxford street
Noahs Ark, J W
Whitaker, 3 New Park street, Southwark
Noahs Ark, John Wolley, 17
Shoe lane
Norfolk Arms, William
Brown, 10 Burwood place, Connaught square
Norfolk Arms, Mrs Elizabeth Griffiths, 28 Leigh street
Norfolk Arms, H F J Pearce, 288 Strand
Norfolk Arms, R Potter, Halfmoon
crescent, Pentonville
Norfolk Arms, Daniel Keymer, William street, Bethnal Green road
Norland Arms, S
Balcombe, 1 Addison road north
North Britain, Jno
Hignett, 10 Lincoln place, Hoxton
North Briton, Benj Sharp,
1 Bedford square east
North Country Pink, James
Bundock, Risbies Rope Walk, Limehouse
North Country Sailor,
John Parsons, 109 Wapping
North Pole, William H
Bragger, 55 Church road, Commercial road east
North Pole, George Hills, 387 Oxford street
Northampton Arms, D
Gurney, 24 Goswell road
Northampton Arms, L
Owens, 1 Spencer terrace, Lower road,
Northumberland Arms,
Thomas Barnard, 9 Great Russell street, Covent garden
Northumberland Arms,
G Bishop, 2 Charles street, Westminster
Northumberland Arms,
Thomas Cordell, 44 Fashion street, Spitalfields
Northumberland Arms, W
Greenwood, Bagnigge Wells road
Northumberland Arms,
Thomas Loader, 119 Tottenham Court road
Northumberland Arms,
Hy Loving, 36 Goodge street
Northumberland Arms,
James Short, 13 Holland street, Blackfriars
Northumberland Arms, William Snewing, 77 Wells street, Oxford street
Northumberland Arms, John D Thompson, 18 Northumberland street, Strand
Northumberland Head, Joseph
neuth, 8 Fort street, Spitalfields
Nottingham Castle,
J Heaps, Angel street G P O
Nunney Castle, William Clark, 37 Sun street, Bishopsgate