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This is a listing from the Public Houses section of the UK London Post Office Directory in 1862
Arms, James Garrett, 4 Peel place, Kensington gravel pits W
Macclesfield Arms Tavern,
George Burdon, 268 City road EC
Mackworth Arms,
Arthur Gurney, 9 Princes place, Commercial road east E
Magpie, Thomas Wesley, 12 New street,
Bishopsgate without NE
Magpie & Punch Bowl,
Edward John Winbush, 58 Bishopsgate within EC
Magpie & Stump, T E
Barham, 56 Fetter lane EC
Magpie & Stump,
Hy W Bray, 118 Newgate street EC
Magpie & Stump, J Cusack, 34 Cheyne
walk SW
Magpie & Stump, Gerd
Reiners, 7 New road, St Georges east E
Maid & Magpie, John Frederick
Homer, 18 Wellington place, Stepney E
Maidenhead, Joseph Cole, 25 Goswell street EC
Maidenhead, H James, 20 Windmill street, Finsbury EC
Mail Coach, L G Campbell, 1 Camomile street EC
Mail Coach, Mrs Ann
Miller, Alfred row, Waterloo place, Shepherds Bush W
Mail Coach, James Newton, 60
Farringdon street EC
Mall Tavern, W H Castle, Mall terrace, Kensington gravel pits W
Mallard Arms, Frederick
Grunhold, 5 Middle Grove street, Commercial road east E
Malpas Arms,
George Bailey 7 Charles street, Grosvenor Square W
Mamelon Tower, J Golding, 76 Carlton road NW
Manchester Arms, Ed
Findley, 1 Adam street east W
Manchester Arms, Charles
Davis, Manchester road, Millwall E
Manchester Shades, William Town, Bread street hill EC
Man in the Moon,
William Clapham, 13 Little Vine street W
Man in the Moon, H J
Squires, 27 Colchester street E
Man in the Moon, Mrs
Harriet Steed, 392 Kings road, Chelsea SW
Manor House, T B White, 101
Stamford street SE
Manor House Tavern, J
Dobson, 38 Westbourne terrace north W
Manor House Tavern, W W Wale, Manor place, Walworth road
Mansfield Arms, A
Purnell, 9 Mansfield place, Kentish town NW
Mansion House, D Jenkins, 106 Evelyn street SE
Mansion House, C
Peters, 23 York row, Kennington Park road SE
Market House, Rt George
Alabaster, Finsbury market EC
Market House, S Simpson,
8 Farringdon street EC
Market House, Henry J Vousley, Randalls market, Poplar E
Marlborough Arms, G
Starling, 27 College street, Chelsea SW
Marlborough Arms, J T Strange, 19 Alfred street, Bedford Square WC
Marlborough Arms, Charles Taunton, 20 Abbey road NW
Marlborough Head, T
Aves, 35 Pelham street, Spitalfieds NE
Marlborough Head,
J H Collins, 24 North Audley street W
Marlborough Head, J
Ellwood, 33 Great Marlborough street W
Marlborough Head,
G Field, 97 Bishopsgate
Street within EC
Marlborough Head, C H Petter, 36 Drury lane EC
Marlborough Head,
J Wrangham, 23 Green Walk, Blackfriars road SE
Marlborough Inn, Henry
Barwell, 3 Blenheim street, Oxford street W
Marquess Tavern, T L
Linford, Canonbury street, Islington N
Marquis of Anglesea,
George Eason, 77 Devonshire street NW
Marquis of Anglesea, John Smith, 39 Bow street WC
& 22 Russell street, Covent Garden WC
Marquis Camden, John
Boyd, 50 Camden street NW
Marquis of Clanricarde, Thomas
Rice, 3 Upper Southwick street, Cambridge terrace W
Marquis Cornwallis,
Benj Arnum, 28 Warren street W
Marquis Cornwallis, J Brown, 89 Bethnal
Green road NE
Marquis Cornwallis, James
Brown, Old Ford road E
Marquis Cornwallis, John & Henry Dale, 1 Marchmont
street WC
Marquis Cornwallis,
C Phillips, 61 Collier street
Marquis Cornwallis, William Snellgrove,
20 & 21
Curtain road, Shoreditch EC
Marquis of Granby,
Benjamin Boulter, 51 & 52 Chandos street, Covent Garden WC
Marquis of Granby, Mrs A
Brown, 38 Grays Inn lane WC
Marquis of Granby, Rt Bone, Orange street, Borough SE
Marquis of Granby,
James Brown, 33 Castle street east W
Marquis of Granby, J Davies, 7 Kemps row, Pimlico SW
Marquis of Granby, N
Fountain, 38 Percy street, Tottenham Court road W
Marquis of Granby, T
Garraway, 19 West street, Seven Dials WC
Marquis of Granby, G Gray, 9 Kensington High street W
Marquis of Granby,
John Henry Lefevre, 28 South Audley street, Grosvenor square W
Marquis of Granby, E Mannakee, Griffin Street, Lambeth SE
Marquis of Granby, J Newson,
67 Union street, Borough SE
Marquis of Granby, J Puttnam, St Katharines E
Marquis of Granby, James Rumbold, Orange street, Borough SE
Marquis of Granby,
Rd Ryall, 48 Vine street, Westminster SW
Marquis of Granby, J C Schimpf, Pump yard, Ratcliff E
Marquis of Granby, Mrs C
Thomas, New Cross SE
Marquis of Granby, R
Thornton, 33 Little Marylebone street W
Marquis of Granby,
T F Wright, 10 & 11 Drury lane WC
Marquis of Granby,
Mrs Maria Wyatt, 17 Brick street, Piccadilly W
Marquis of Hastings,
Thomas Cubitt, 42 & 43 Ossulston street NW
Marquis of Lansdowne,
T Withers, Thomas street, Hackney road NE
Marquis of Salisbury,
Charles Barratt, 10 Upper Freeling street, Caledonian
road N
Marquis of Salisbury,
Mrs Phillis Groom, Queens road, Hornsey road N
Marquis of Salisbury,
James Guttridge, 9 Salisbury terrace, Balls Pond road N
Marquis of Wellesley,
Benjamin Stedman, 89 Cromer street, Brunswick square WC
Marquis of Wellington, Joseph Budd, 28 Gedling street SE
Marquis of Wellington, George Hills, 14 South street, Hercules buildings,
Lambeth S
Marquis of Wellington,
T G Watkinson, 40 Upper Cornwall street, St Georges east E
Marquis of Westminster,
Samuel cocks, Warwick street, Belgrave road SW
Marshal Keate, Joseph Hocking, Preston road E
Masonsic Hall, Charles Ireland, 10 & 11 Fetter lane EC
Masons Arms,
Robert Cotton, 58 Devonshire street, Portland place W
Masons Arms, James Gurney, 51 Upper Berkeley street W
Masons Arms, T
G Hemery, 38 Maddox street W
Masons Arms, William
Hulbert, 18 Titchborne street W
Masons Arms, David
McClean, 12 Richmond place, East street, Walworth road SE
Masons Arms, F Neate, 35 Canterbury place, Lambeth SE
Masons Arms, William
Rolls, 3 Oxford market W
Masons Arms, John Rd
winson, 37 Watney street E
Masons Arms, Rd Lewis, 3 Callow street, Fulham road SW
Masons Arms, Mrs Mary Ann Wrangham,
89 Union road, Newington Causeway SE
Maze Hotel, John May
Emler, 6 Chichester place, Harrow road W
Mechanics Arms, W J
Seabrook, Deptford High street SE
Mercers Arms, Miss Emma
Jolly, 31 Jubilee street, Commercial road east E
Mercers Arms, W Miell, 17
Mercer street, Long acre WC
Mercers Arms, William
Nunn, 44 Totton street, Stepney E
Merlins Cave, J Hodgson, 48 Upper Rosoman street EC
Merlins Cave, William Lawrence, 3 Margaret street W
Merlins Cave, Thomas Walker, 64 South Audley street W
Merry Carpenters, Mrs S
Wootton, 132 Old Street EC
Merry Monarch, Mrs M A
Potter, 79 Herbert street, Hoxton N
Middleton Arms, Boxell
Bros, 38 Norton Folgate NE
Middleton Arms, John
Pegg, 7 Mansfield street, Kingsland road NE
Mildmay Tavern, Job Spurgin & Son,
Mildmay place, Balls Pond road N
Milford Arms, S Newman, Milford lane, Strand WC
Miller of Mansfield, W M Dawson, 83 snows fields SE
Mischief, Robert wiffen, 414 Oxford street W
Mitre, Adams Brothers, 20 Notting Hill terrace W
Mitre, William Cossey, 130 Upper street,
Islington N
Mitre, Thomas Booth, 68 St Martins lane WC
Mitre, J B Cross, 7 Deptford Bridge SE
Mitre, Charles Davis,
22 Kingsgate street, Holborn WC
Mitre, Rt Fisher, 10
Somers mews, Upper Southwick street W
Mitre, Thomas Fisher, 24 Craven terrace, Bayswater W
Mitre, Richard Grinslade,
7 Connaught terrace W
Mitre, D Heron, 90 Broadwall, Blackfriars SE
Mitre, John Read, 61 New Church street, Lisson grove NW
Mitre, James Smith, 242 Tooley street SE
Mitre, Thomas William Wood, Palace road, Lambeth SE
Mitre Tavern, John Mobsby,
Mitre terrace, Downham road N
Mitre Tavern, Mrs M A Osmond, 3 Mitre street, Aldgate EC
Mitre Tavern,
William Shipley, 38 Fish Street hill EC
Mitre & Dove,
W Lowe, 1 King street, Westminster SW
Mogul, Hy Edwin Winder, 167 Drury lane WC
Monarch, Rt Wiskar, 1
Ferdinand street, Hampstead road NW
Moneyers Arms, J Tanner, 28 Provost street, City road N
Monmouth Arms, John Gale, 10 Singleton street N
Monmouth Head, Mrs E
Upton, 17 Hemmings row, St Martins lane WC
Monster, William
Freer, 1 St Georges row, Pimlico SW
Montagu Arms, Charles Brooks, 3 Upper Montagu street W
Montague Arms,
Frederick H Jewell, 1 Montague mews, Russell square WC
Montpelier, W
Fouintain, Montpelier street, Walworth SE
Montpelier, John
Hunter, 38 Montpelier row SW
Montrose, J Warr, 111 St James road,
Liverpool road N
Monument, A
Coverdale, 137 Union street, Borough SE
Monument Tavern, Henry Parkinson, 48 Fish street hill, City EC
James Went, 94 Great Suffolk street SE
Moore Arms, H Hickman, 1 Halsey terrace, Chelsea SW
Moors Arms, Joseph Archer, Bow Common lane E
Moreton Arms, George Phillips,
17 Moreton terrace, Kentish Town NW
Morgan Arms, T Ladbrook, 1 Morgan Street, Tredegar square E
Mornington Arms, J
Huntchinson, 2 Mornington Street NW
Morpeth Arms, T J
Clifford, 12 Ponsonby street SW
Mortimer Arms, C W Cross,
11 Mortimer road N
Mortimer Arms, Mrs M
Parry, 174 Tottenham Court road W
Mother Red Cap R Corbett, Upper Holloway N
Mother Red Cap, George
Cottrell, High street, Camden Town NW
Mother Shipton,
James Robinson, Prince of Wales road, Camden Town NW
Mulberry Tree, Thomas
Hastilow, 1 Mulberry street, Commercial road east E
Mulberry Tree, Miss A Johnson,
Mulberry court,, Finsbury EC
Mulberry Tree, Edward How, St Leonard
Street, Bromley E
Mulberry Tree, Thomas
Mihell, Stepney green E
Murray Arms, J Morgan,
Murray street, Camden Town NW
Museum Tavern, George Blizard, 35 & 36
Museum street WC
Myddelton Arms, Robert
Thornton, 24 Portland place, Islington N