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Alfred Benstead, Old Bethnal Green
road, E
Falcon, Henry Briggs, 234 Great College
street NW
Falcon, Ernest Edward Brooks, 6 Pemberton
row, EC
Falcon, Cuthbertson Johnson
Collingwood, 8 Falcon Square EC
Falcon, Edwin Charles Edmunds, 1 Lisle
street W & 20 Wardour street W
Falcon, James
George Hunt, 57 Knightrider
street EC
Falcon, James Knope,
1 Victoria park square E & 1 Green
street, Bethnal Green E
Falcon, John Lees, 10 Fetter Lane EC
Falkland, Henry Pearman, 66 Falkland
road NW
Farringdon Hotel, Levy & Franks, Snowhill EC & Farringdon street EC
Father Red Cap, Alfred Charles Mills, 319 Camberwell
road SE
Faunce Arms, John Chesterton, 2 Faunce
street, Kennington Park SE
Feathers, William Edward
Atkinson, 1 & 3 Deptford Green, Deptford SE
Feathers, Edwin Bratt, 50 Duke
street, St James SW
Feathers, William
David Courtney, 34 Great Chapel
street SW
Feathers, Jesse Divall, 1
Waterloo road SE & 75 Commercial
road, Lambeth SE
Feathers, Thomas Henry Dowson, 33 Virginia
road, Bethnal Green E
Feathers, Samuel Holman, 6 Dockhead SE
Feathers, Otto
Luer, 15 Hobart Place SW
Feathers, Charles William Minter, 8 St Martins
street WC
Feathers, Mrs Bessie Rose, 42 Brown
street, Bryanston Square W
Fellmongers Arms,
Walter Henry Goodwin, 25 Crimscott
street, Bermondsey SE
Ferry House, George Charles
Stevenson, Ferry
street, Cubitt Town E
Final, Mrs Edith Silvester, 6 King William
street, Strand WC
Finboro Arms, William Finch, 118 Finborough
road SW
Finish, William Martin, 142 Lynton
road, Bermondsey SE
Finsbury Park Tavern, William Alfred Browne, 263 Seven Sisters
road N
Fish & the Ring, John
Charles Linton, White Horse
street, Stepney E
Fishing Smack, Harry
Douglas Day, 22 & 24 Watergate
street, Deptford SE
Fishing Smack, Mrs Mary Ann Ewen, 28 Stowage, Depford SE
Fishing Smack, Mrs Caroline
Elizabeth Hobbs, Cold Harbour, Blackwall E
Fishmongers Arms,
Walter Louis Barber, 5 St Georges
road, Southwark SE
Fishmongers Arms,
Mrs Kate Gill, 20 West street, Soho WC
Fitzroy, Mrs Alice Dibbs, 16 Charlotte
street, Fitzroy Square W
Fitzroy Arms,
John George Bates, 163 Arlington
road, NW
Fitzroy Arms, William Robert Perry, 21 Clipstone
street W
Five Bells, Frank James, 155 New Cross
road SE
Five Bells, Mrs Mary Elizabeth Thirgood, 535 Old Ford
road E
Five Bells, Christopher
Wakefield, 21 Moorfields EC
Five Bells & Blade Bone,
Richard Manning, 27 Three Colt
street. Limehouse E
Fleece, Frank Day, 160 Abbey
street, Bermondsey SE
Fleece, Thomas Geraghty, 26 Upper Russell
street, Bermondsey SE
Fleece, James Ludford, 16 Marsham
street SW
Fleece, Thomas Edward Sandels, 1 Duke
street, Stamford street SE
Fleet Tavern, George Turner, 90 Parkhill
road, Haverstock Hill NW
Fleur de Lis, George Brown,
17 Fleur de Lis
street E
Flint House, Mrs Jessie
Tydeman, 65 Hyde
road, Hoxton N
Florence Tavern, Thomas
Goodchild, Florence
street, Islington N
Flower of the Forest,
Frederick Thomas Coupland, 123 Blackfriars
road SE
Flower Pot, Edward
Arthur Colbert, 120 Bethnal Green
road E