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This is a listing from the Public Houses section of the UK London Directory in 1910; it lists an alphabetical listing of the Pubs in London, and also has links to the relevant Public House page listing of the Licensees, Bar persons and Boarders and Lodgers etc. All information on these pages comes from London census, Post Office and Kelly Directory, plus any information and pictures supplied by You.
Raby Castle, Henry Howard, Wynyard terrace, Upper Kennington
lane SE
Radnor Arms, Wm. Hawkins, 106 Mildmay grove N
Radnor Arms, David Lloyd, 247 Warwick road, Kensington W
Radnor Tavern, Samuel Guest & Son, 311 & 312 High Holborn W C & 73 Chancery lane
Raglan, Thomas George Coppinger, 61 St Martins le Grand E C
Railway Hotel, Charles Brown, jun. 118 West India dock road E
Railway Hotel, Miss Amelia Ellen Coveney, 30 Grove road, Bow E
Railway Hotel, Benjamin Alipore Griffin, 100 West End lane, Kilburn NW
Railway Hotel, Henry J. B. Leach, 17 Elephant road, New Kent road SE
Railway Tavern, Lewis Abrahams, 339 Mare street, Hackney N E
Railway Tavern, Edward Vickers Berkeley, 15 Chilworth street W
Railway Tavern, Frederick Edwd. Bishop, 2 London street E C
Railway Tavern, William Boorman, 35 Chalk Farm road NW
Railway Tavern, William James Cassedy, 49 Hamilton street, Deptford SE
Railway Tavern, Thames Read Hull, 15 Liverpool street E C
Railway Tavern, Mrs. Lily Levy, 72 Blackfriars road SE
Railway Tavern, John Those Presland, 263 New Cross road SE
Railway Tavern, Henry Joseph Sammons, 117 St James road S E
Railway Tavern, Charles Frederick Silver, 2 St Jude street, Stoke Newington N
Rainbow, Charles Ellice, 18 Medland street, Ratcliff E
Ram Hotel, John Henry Maltby, 68 High street, Wandsworth SW
Ram & Magpie, Thomas Pryce Bullock, 17 Pedley street, Bethnal green E
Ram & Teasel, Charles Frederick William Wood, 39 Queens Head street, Islington N
Ranelagh Arms, Lewis William Innocent, 279 Roman road E
Raven & Sun, Joseph Isaacs, 52 Tanner street S E
Raymouth Tavern, Edgar Steele, 302 Southwark park road SE
Recreation Tavern, Lawrence Doyle, 155 East India dock road E
Red Bull, Edgar John Mazdon,80 & 82 Grays inn read WC
Red Cow, Jn Bambridge, 4 King street, Snow hill E C
Red Cow, James Frederick Clarke, 13 The Grange, Bermondsey SE
Red Cow, Robert James, 157 Hammersmith road W
Red Cow, Fredk Wm Marsh, 223 High street, Deptford S E
Red Cow, Fredk Wm Peyton, 105 Charterhouse street E C
Red Cow, Arthur Ernest Shipman, 14 Albert embankment S E
Red Cross, Israel Hill, 21 Hare street, Bethnal green E
Red Cross, Henry Jas Huggett, 19 Paternoster square E C
Red Cross, Jonah Rosenthall,
33 Barbican E C
Red Cross, Charles Edwin Stemson 122 Borough High street SE
Red Deer, Robert Allard, 393 Cambridge road E
Red House, William Hollingbery, 2 College street, Chelsea SW
Red House, John Alex Macbeth, 53 Brompton road SW
Red House Hotel, George Gosheron, 141 Park road, Regents park NW
Red Lion, William Andrews, 45 High street, Deptford S E
Red Lion, Zenone Appi, 24 Warner street, Clerkenwell E C
Red Lion, Thomas Jas Attree, 29 Floral street Covent garden WC
Red Lion, Mrs Lizzie Edith Barber, 82 Hoxton street N
Red Lion, Benjn Burroughs, 280 Borough High street S E
Red Lion, Henry Charig, 17 Bevis marks EC
Red Lion, John Chinn, 407 Walworth road SE
Red Lion, William Gumming Christie, 8 Lombard court E C
Red Lion, Mrs. Ethel Croucher, 39 Beak street W
Red Lion, James & Lewis Walter Davis, 53 Basinghall street E C
Red Lion, Samuel Thomas Dudsworth, 160 Union street, Borough S E
Red Lion, Joseph Enderly, 20 Great Windmill street W
Red Lion, Richard Hy Farrow, 172 Westminster bridge road SE
Red Lion, John Goddard, 34 Old Gravel lane E
Red Lion, Alfred Goldstein, 196 & 197 St George street E
Red Lion, Harry Goodwin, 44 Cowcross street E C
Red Lion, Frank Grigg, 150 Ebury street SW
Red Lion, John Hamblin, 9 Princes street, Westminster S
Red Lion, Mrs. Emily Hatherall, 22 Laystall street E C
Red Lion, Geo. Herring, 30 Whitechapel High street E
Red Lion, Miss Clara Violet Higgs, 4 Houghton street, Aldwych WC
Red Lion, Mrs. Hannah Rebecca Howard, Red Lion court, Fleet street E C
Red Lion, Fredk Geo Isaac, 23 Crown court, Pall mall S W
Red Lion, Charles Edward Jenkins, 34 High road, Kilburn NW
Red Lion, Frederick Charles Jordan, 38 & 38 Paradise street S E
Red Lion, George Knight, 198 Lower road S E
Red Lion, Ernest Edward Leech, 42 Kennington park road SE