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This is a listing of the Beer Retailers in 1919.
Ramm Hy. W. G.
22 Victoria road, Peckham SE15
Rawlings Jn. R, 83 Sumner road, Peckham SE15
Raymond Herbt. 75 Albert road Peckham SE15
Rayner E. E. 6 Gonsalva road, South Lambeth SW8
Readhead William, 45 Camberwell green SE5
Reading Miss Edith, 66 Blackwell lane SE10
Redman Mrs. Minnie Amps, 270 Cavendish road, Balham SW12
Redwood James, 6 Beehive place, Brixton SW9
Revell Joseph, 152B, Church street, Stoke Newington N16
Reynolds John, 12 High street, Battersea SW11
Rice Edwd. 0. 213 Kensal road, North Kensington WIO
Richards William Joshua, 30 Basing road, Peckham SE15
Richardson Harry H. 44 St. Andrew's street SW8
Rickcord John George Valentine, 14 New road, Woolwich SE15
Ringwood Edgar, 90 Hartington road, South Lambeth SW8
Robertson George, 54 Prince Edward road, Hackney wick E 9
Robinson Fras. 139 Munster road, Fulham SW6
Robinson Fredk. 144 Sumner road Peckham SE15
Robinson F. W. 104 Evelina road, Peckham SE15
Robinson Geo. D. 53 Waldo road College park NW10
Robinson Jn. High hill ferry, Upper Clapton E5
Robinson Wm. Saml. 1 Cabul road Battersea SW11
Rochford Luke, 22 Nisbet street, Homerton E9
Roebuck Rd, 355 New King's road Fulham SW6
Rogers Edwd. J. 5 Station road, Finsbury park N4
Rohrig G. 84 Glenthorne road Hammersmith W6
Roney George, 34 Picton street, Camberwll S E5
Roper Edward Hy. 58 Lingham street, Stockwell SW9
Roper William Arthur, 59 Palmerston road, Wandsworth SW18
Ross Mrs. Isabel, 1 Allen road, Stoke Newington N16
Rudwick John George, 65 St. John's hill grove, Battersea SW11
Rusdell Francis H. 12 St. Philip street, South Lambeth SW8
Rush Mrs. Lilian Maud, 48 Allen road N16
Rushbrook Albert W. 38 Lydden road, Wandsworth SW18
Russell Henry, 22 Paradise road Clapham SW4