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Gatehouse Tavern, North Road, Highgate

Highgate pub history index

A licensed premises has occupied this site since 1337 though the earliest mention by name dates from 1670. It takes its name due to its location, adjacent to a former tollgate. *

A listing of historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Middlesex.=

Gate House tavern, Highgate - in 1835

Gate House tavern, Highgate - in 1835

Old Gate House, Highgate - in 1905

Old Gate House, Highgate - in 1905

Old Gate House, Highgate - in 1908

Old Gate House, Highgate - in 1908

Ye Old Gate House Tavern

Ye Old Gate House Tavern

Highgate, Hampstead Lane and Gatehouse Tavern

Highgate, Hampstead Lane and Gatehouse Tavern

All kindly provided by Colleen

Gatehouse, 1 North Road, N6 - 25th April 2010

Gatehouse, 1 North Road, N6 - 25th April 2010

Kindly provided by Tris

Residents at this address

1839/Robert Rogers, Gate House Hotel, High street/../../Pigots Directory

1851/Samuel Atkins, Gate House, Highgate/../../Post Office Directory

1851/Samuel Atkins/Tavern Keeper/50/Highgate, Middlesex/Census
1851/Etty Atkins/Mother in Law, Housekeeper, Widow/67/Kendetworth, Warwickshire/Census
1851/Etty Atkins/Sister/36/Highgate, Middlesex/Census
1851/Benjamin Atkins/Brother, Barman/35/Highgate, Middlesex/Census
1851/Edward Hannill/Ostler/34/Hockcliffe, Bedfordshire/Census
1851/Susannah Goody/Cook/24/Yarmouth, Norfolk/Censu
1851/Caroline Severns/Chambermaid/24/London/Census

July 1864/Josiah Chapman/ Outgoing Licensee /../../The Era

July 1864/Richard Folkes/ Incoming Licensee /../../The Era

1866/R Fowkes/../../../Post Office Directory

1874/Richard Folkes/../../../Post Office Directory

1878/Richard Folkes/../../../Post Office Directory

1890/Fredk Hy Salmon/../../../Post Office Directory

1894/Lawrence Hasluck/../../../Post Office Directory

1896/George Wyatt/../../../Post Office Directory

1937/William Henry Shutor/../../../Kellys Directory

* Provided by Tris
And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 12:40:07 BST