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New Inn, 108 St Aldates, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX1 1BU
Oxford pub history index

St Aldates Tavern, 108 St Aldates, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX1 1BU - in 2012
Kindly provided by John Willmott
Formerly the Bulldog and recently renamed the St. Aldates Tavern; the original name still lives on in the name of the pub's side alley. St
Aldates Street is now St. Aldates (2016). *
Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Oxfordshire.
Residents at this address
1846/James Eden/../../../Hunts Directory
1847/J Eden/../../../Post Office Directory
1861/Henry Taylor/Victualler/49/St Peters, Oxford/Census
1861/Harriet Taylor/Wife/50/Farringdon, Berkshire/Census
1861/Martha Taylor/Daughter, Barmaid/23/All Saints, Oxford/Census
1861/Henry Taylor/Son, Coachman/22/All Saints, Oxford/Census
1861/William Taylor/Son, Coachman/20/All Saints, Oxford/Census
1861/Edward Taylor/Son, Coachman/18/All Saints, Oxford/Census
1861/James Taylor/Son, Coachman/16/All Saints, Oxford/Census
1861/George Taylor/Son/13/All Saints, Oxford/Census
1861/Thomas Evans/Boarder, Gin Maker/39/Lichfield, Staffordshire/Census
1863/Henry Taylor/& flyman/../../Dutton, Allen & Co Directory
1864/H. Taylor/../../../Post Office Directory
1869/Mrs. H. Taylor/../../../Post Office Directory
1871/Harriet Taylor/Inn Keeper & Cab Proprietor, Widow/60/Faringdon,
1871/Walter Taylor/Nephew, Cab Driver/22/Oxford/Census
1871/Mary A Pratley/Domestic Servant/21/Crawley, Oxfordshire/Census
1876/William Taylor/New Inn, and cab proprietor/../../Kellys Directory
1891/Eliza E Taylor/Hotel Proprietoress, widow/37/London/Census
1891/Pera K King/Barmaid/24/St Aldate, Oxford/Census
1891/Hilda N Taylor/Niece, Barmaid/17/Oxford, Oxfordshire/Census
1891/Elizabeth Painter/General Servant, Widow/55/Bletchingdon,
1901/F N Cumberlidge/Hotel Keeper/39/Oxford, Oxon/Census
1901/J M Cumberlidge/Wife/41/Co Kildare, Ireland/Census
1901/Wm Cumberlidge/Father, Widow/81/Birmingham/Census
1901/M Rymell/Barmaid/23/Banbury, Oxon/Census
1901/W Jackson/Billiard Marker/19/Witney, Oxon/Census
1903/Frederick W Cumberlidge/../../../Kellys Directory
1907/Fredk W Cumberlidge/../../../Kellys Directory
1939/Algernon Ernest Brunsden/../../../Kellys Directory
* Provided By Tris