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Oxford 1863 directory index
Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Oxfordshire. The Oxfordshire listing uses information from census, Trade Directories and History to add licensees, bar staff, Lodgers and Visitors.
The following entries are in this format:
Year/Publican or other Resident/Relationship to Head and or Occupation/Age/Where Born/Source.
Oxford Traders - H2.
Hester James T., surgeon, 38 Beaumont street
Hettich Charles, watchmaker and working jeweller, 20 High street, St
Hettich S. (Miss), milliner, 20 High street, St Clement's
Hewett Geo., land agent & surveyor, 8 Park ter,
Hewett Francis, grocer, 13 Magdalen street
Hicks Edward, dyer, 77 High street
Hicks George, beerseller, 11 Penson's gardens
Hicks John, trunk and box maker, 7 George st
Hicks J. W., shopkeeper, Osney town,
Hicks Mary Ann (Mrs), milliner and straw bonnet maker, 7 George street
Higgins Edward Matthew, coal merchant, St John's street and Canal wharf
Higgins John, tinman and marine store dealer, 6 George street
Higgins Joseph, brewer, wine and spirit merchant, Jericho brewery, Walton
Higgins William, broker, 11 St Ebbe's street
Higginson William, wood turner, 20 George st
Higgons William, grocer, 50 Walton street
Higjs George, baker, 1 Wellington street
Hill Charles, Bird in Hand, Bear lane
Hill G. B., house painter & decorator, 35 High street
Hill James II., chemist, 42 High street
Hill Richard, beer retailer, Little Clarendon st
Hills and Saunders, photographers, 18 Corn Market street
Hine Henry, tailor, 83 High street
Hine Henry, beerseller, 40 Paradise square
Hinton William, confectioner, 10 Oriel street
Hiorns W, baker, 44 Castle street
Hitchcock Thomas, upholsterer, 41 High street, St Clement's
Hitchcock and Garrad, chemists, 101 High st
Hitchings Edward M., painter and paper hanger, 22 Broad street
Hitchings Geo. Chas. Hy., surgeon, 3 Oriel st
Howson Thomas �., chemist and druggist, 18 Queen street
Hoar William, hairdresser, 45 St Ebbe's street
Hobbs William Richard, accountant and house agent, 23 St Giles' street
Hodder Joseph F.. beerseller, 54 High street
Hodges Ann (Mrs), hatter and shirt maker, 1 i Queen street
Holder Henry, bookseller, 13 St Aldate street
Holland William, Golden Cross Hotel, 5 Corn Market street
Holloway Charles, accountant, 24 Pembroke st
Holmes Alfred Green, solicitor, Broad street
Holt Henry, marine store dealer, 18 Castle st
Holt Jane (Mrs), clothes dealer, 29 Castle st
Holt William, clothes dealer, 47 High street, St Clement's
Hone Robert Thomas, hairdresser, 30 High street, St Clement's
Hookham and Pottage, tailors, robe makers, and woollen drapers, 3 Corn
Market street
Hooper the Misses, ladies' establishment, Crescent lodge, Park town
Hopkins Joseph, dealer in china, gloss, and earthenware, 51 Corn Market
Horn Edward, confectioner, 142 High street
Horn John and Edward, bread and biscuit bakers and corn factors, 15 Corn
Market st
Horn Sarah (Mrs), hairdresser, & servants registry office, 113 St Aldate
Horne C., shopkeeper, 40 High st, St Clement's
Hosier William, baker, 53 George street
Houghton Henry, music and musical instrument warehouse, 116 High street
Houghton Thomas, chemist, 53 High street, St Clement's
Hounslow Chas., painter & glazier, Cowley rd
Hounslow John, wine and spirit merchant, grocer, and tea dealer, 67 & 68
High street
Hounslow Wm., painter & glazier, 9 Orchard st
Howe and Beaufoy (the Misses,) ladies' establishment, 60 St Giles' street
Howes John, grocer, 45 Holywell street
Howkins John, coal merchant, Canal wharf and Hythe Bridge street
Howkins Wm., Running Horses, Hythe Bridge
Howrigan Pierce, dyer, 41 Church st, St Ebbe's
Howse William, dairyman, 85 Walton street
Hudson Mark, beer retailer, 47 Speedwell st
Hugging Benjamin, pipe manufacturer aud coal merchant, Observatory street
Huggins Thomas Apletree, carriage builder, 9 George street
Hughes Elisha, greengrocer, New street, St Clement's
Hughes George, cooper, Friars's entry
Hughes & Kemp, bookbinders, Queen st
Hughes Thomas, coach maker, New road
Hughes Wm., cooper, High street, St Thomas'
Hull Thomas, tailor, 40 George street
Humphreys Richard, beer retailer, 54 High street, St Thomas'
Hunt Henry, baker, Church street, St Ebbe's
Hunt Jnmes, watchmaker, New road
Hunt William, beer retailer, Rewley road
Huntley John Wm., beer retailer, 18 George st
Hurcombe Philip, accountant, Worcester terrace
Hurford & Taylor, solicitors, 20 Corn Market Bt
Hussey Edward L., surgeon, 104 St Aldnte street
Hyde and Bays, clothiers, 2 & 3 Queen street
Hyde Thomas and Co., clothiers and woollen drapers, 31 and 32 Queen street