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Oxford 1863 directory index
Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Oxfordshire. The Oxfordshire listing uses information from census, Trade Directories and History to add licensees, bar staff, Lodgers and Visitors.
The following entries are in this format:
Year/Publican or other Resident/Relationship to Head and or Occupation/Age/Where Born/Source.
Oxford Traders - S.
Sabin Thomas, livery stables, and tennis and fives court, 10 Merton street
Saden Thomas, grocer, 24 Littlegate
Salmon Charles, gas fitter and smith, 26 and 27 Friars' street
Salter John and Stephen, boat builders, St. Aldate street
Sanders Sarah (Mrs) bookbinder, 10 Blue Boar st
Saunders Eliza (Mrs) shopkeeper, 76 Cardigan st
Saunders John, boot & shoemaker, 21 Broad st
Saunders Mrs, fishmonger, Clark's row, St. Aldate street
Saunders Thomas, coach maker, Park End st
Savin Wm., grocer, 5 High street, St. Clement's
Scarsbrook George, baker and confectioner, 28 Pembroke street
Scott Benjamin V, medical botanist. Market st
Seager & Co,, tailors and robe makers, High st
Seaman Thomas, coal merchant, Canal wharf
Searle Mrs, milliner, 3 Beaumont street
Searle Henry, tailor, robe maker, and hatter, 107 High street
Seary John Wm., beerseller, 11 High street
Seckham Samuel Lipscomb, architect & surveyor, 6 and 7 St. Aldate street
Seckham S. (Miss), china dealer, Broad street
Seeley George, marine store dealer, 21 Littlegate street
Selby Charles, builder, Blue Boar lane
Seymour John, coal dealer, 52 Great Clarendon street, and Canal wharf
Sheard Arthur, tailor & hosier, 100 St. Aldate st
Sheard Hester (Mrs) grocer and tea dealer, 21 High street
Sheard James, watchmaker and jeweller, 131 High street
Sheldon Jonathan, miller and com merchant, Osney mill
Shelton Harriett (Mrs), shopkeeper, 3 Great Clarendon street
Shepherd George, carpenter, St Aldate street
Shepherd John, boot and shoemaker, 1 New rd
Shepherd Wm., shoeing smith, Gloucester green
Sheppard Kate (Miss) dressmaker, 21 Littlegate
Shepperd Henry, tailor and woollen draper, 65 High street, St Clement's
Shepperd Wm. Chas., stationer, 75 Holywell st
Shillingford and Blake, importers of wines and spirits, and ale and porter
merchants, 20 Corn Market street
Shillingford and Co., brewers, 2 George street
Shrimpton Geo., boot and shoemaker, Market st
Shrimpton Thomas and George, booksellers, printsellers, stationers,
bookbinders, and
photographers, 23 and 24 Broad street
Simmonds Wm., coal merchant, 64 Blackfriars st
Simmonds Wm., greengrocer, 12 Cardigan st
Simmonds James, beerseller, 13 St Ebbe's street
Simmonds Nisbett, beer retailer, Osney town
Simmonds Wm, watchmaker, Sbip street
Simmons Wm., greengrocer, Blackfriars' road
Simms and Son, boot and shoemakers, 37 Broad street
Simonds Emanuel, dairyman and shopkeeper, 10 High street, St Thomas
Slade John, beer retailer, New Hincksey
Slark William, saddler and harness maker, 2 Magdalen street
Slatter James, carpenter, 10 Chnrch street, St Ebbe's
Slatter (Henry) and Rose (John), booksellers and stationers, 2 and 3 High
Slatter Jas., beerseller and tailor, London place, St Clement's
Slatter Mary (Mrs), shopkeeper, 70 Holywell st
Slaymaker Thomas, fruiterer, 30 St Giles' road
Sly Catherine (Mrs), furrier, New Inn Hall st