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East Bergholt,
Samford Hundred
East Bergholt
1841 census ; East
Bergholt Public Houses ;
East Bergholt Whites 1855 Directory.
Transcribed by Colin Ager
East Begholt Whites 1855 Directory.
POST OFFICE at Mrs Eliz. Richardson's. Letters, via Colchester mail cart.
Aldous Joseph, plumber & glazier
Allen Mrs My
Calvert Mrs Sarah
Askew John, furniture broker
Badham Bev Chas. Dd., M.D., curate
Batley Henry C, draper and mercer
Ben tall Wm. Rufus, corn miller and coal merchant, Flatford Mill
Bickmore George, registrar, etc.
Bird Eliz., plumber and glazier
Bowen Capt. John, and Misses
Brett Rev. Philip, curate of Raydon
Brook Thos. & Brown Chas. policemen
Bruce Joseph, chemist and druggist
Church John, joiner and builder
Constable Miss Ann, Wheelers
Constable Mr Abm. & Miss, East Lodge
Cathbert J as shopr
Cook Mrs
Deaves Chas. castrator & colt breaker
Denman Rev. W.J. curate of Brantham
Deynes Wm. O. gent
Miller Miss
Folkard Francis, joiner and builder
Folkard Henry, joiner, turner, and staircase builder
Green Wm. gent
Proby Miss Martha
Halford Charles Douglas, Esq., West Lodge
Harvey Henry, carpenter
Harvey Martha, straw hat maker
Hearsum David, watchmaker, &c.
Heckford Henry, carpenter and tinner
Hughes Sir Rd., Bart. & Misses G. & A.
Manning Frederick, surgeon
Mecklehurgh Jacob, corn miller
Neville Mary, milliner, etc.
Newton Rev Edw. Jones, (Independent)
Orvis Samuel, collar and harness maker
Pearson, Wm., Esq., Hill House
Peck John, cooper and basket maker
Poole Lieut.-Colonel Skeffington, East Bergholt Lodge
Ralph Henry, baker and confectioner
Reynolds James, gentleman
Richardson Mrs Elizabeth, Post Office
Rose Wm., general dealer
Rowley Rev Joshua, MA Rector of East Bergholt, Brantham & Holton St Mary,
Sage Stephen, plumber, glazier, painter and parish clerk
Sparling Jeremiah, gentleman
Steggall Robert, baker
Templeton Edward, gentleman
Tufnell Rev Wm
Viall John, hairdresser abd stationer
Whimper Nathaniel Henry, gent
White Mrs Ann, news agent
Inns and Taverns
Hare and Hounds, Mary Church
Kings Head, Theophilus Heckford
Red Lion, Lucy Ralph
White Horse, Jacob Reynolds
Batley Maria
Clark Mary, free
Wright Emily and Isabella
Woods Thos, free
Chaplin Clark
Folkard Elizabeth
Heckford John
King John
Lemon Wm
Neville Thomas
Bones Gabriel
Boore Thomas
Pearl George
Rudland George
Ablewhite Thos
Bird Wm
Jennings Robert
King Wm
Ablewhite Thos
Clark Wm, bailiff
Garwood John
Green John, maltster, Buck's Eln
Holden George
Kedge Wm.
King Jph., Hill farm
King W., H. trees
Lamb Joseph
Lott John, Valley
Lott Thos-.Park hs
Lott Wm.
Nichols Wm.
Parker James
Parker John
Parker Thomas
Pyett Chas., While Horse Farm
Reynolds Jacob
Rule Reuben
Sallows Henry
Taylor James
Woollard Sarah
Bird Charles
Cox Wm. & baker
Folkard Elizabeth
Hall Edward
Harvey Elizabeth
Harvey Wm.
Hicks Joseph
Mansfield Caroline
Mecklenburgh Mt.
Parker James
Wells Wm.
Arnold Thomas
Baldwin George
Heckford Jeremh.
Heckford Thomas
Parker John
Smith Benjamin
Woods Thomas
Clarke John
Downing John
Edgley Alfred Hy. Lower Hill hse
King David
Ostinelli Francis
White John
Garnham Abel
Green Farrow
Hearsum James
CARRIERS to Ipswich, Hadleigh & Colchester
Peck John
Randall James
RAILWAY STATION at Manningtree, 3 miles E.S.E.