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Plough & Harrow, 27 East Street, Epsom, Surrey

Epsom pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Surrey .

Residents at this address

I have found that Philip Ockenden a distant cousin was listed on the census as the beer retailer/licensed victualler/publican of the Plough and Harrow in East Street from 1851 to 1871. It may have started as a beer salesroom in their house in 1851, then became the pub in 1861. He was retired in 1881 and living in Walton. *

1851/Philip Ockenden/Beer shop Keeper & Bricklayer/44/Ashtead, Surrey/Census
1851/Elizabeth Ockenden/Wife/35/Walton, Surrey/Census
1851/Elizabeth Roffey/Visitor/13/Epsom, Surrey/Census
+ Lodgers

1855/Philip Ockenden/../../../Kellys Directory

1861/Philip Ockenden/Beer Retailer/54/Ashtead, Surrey/Census *
1861/Elizabeth Ockenden/Wife/41/Walton, Surrey/Census
1861/Benjamin Turner/Bricklayers Labourer/45/Surrey/Census
1861/John Kedgel/Railway Porter/23/Church Oakley, Hampshire/Census
1861/Joseph Farrer/Chimney Sweep/31/Ham, Surrey/Census

1867/P Ockenden/../../../Kellys Directory ***

1871/Philip Ockenden/Licensed Victualler/54/Ashtead, Surrey/Census *
1871/Elizabeth Ockenden/Wife/50/Walton on the Hill, Surrey/Census
1871/Joseph Davis Farrer/Lodger, Chimney Sweep/40/England/Census

1881/Joseph D Farrer/Licensed Victualler/45/Ham, Surrey/Census
1881/Alice Bitten/Housekeeper, Widow/71/Ashtead, Surrey/Census

1891/William Smithers/../../../Kellys Directory ***

1901/William Smithers/Licensed Victualler, Widow/50/Cobham, Surrey/Census
1901/Thomas Kerry/Boarder, Widow/82/Ockbrook, Derbyshire/Census
1901/Louisa Smithers/Daughter/19/Highgate, London/Census
1901/Arthur Smithers/Son, Bricklayers Apprentice/16//Census
1901/Edith Smithers/Daughter/14/Hatfield Broad Oak, Essex/Census
1901/Harry Smithers/Son/11/Epsom, Surrey/Census
1901/George Smithers/Son/13/Hatfield Broad Oak, Essex/Census
1901/Florence Smithers/Daughter/5/Epsom, Surrey/Census

1909/John Evans/../../../Kellys Directory

1913/Alexander Macalister/../../../Kellys Directory

1918/Alexander Macalister/../../../Kellys Directory

1924/Thomas Longhurst/../../../Kellys Directory

1927/Mrs Louisa Beaven/../../../Kellys Directory

In the 1901 census, it records the publican manager and manageress of Carlton Tavern, 45 Woodfield road as : Mark Beaven & Louisa Beaven **
Mark Beaven & Louisa Beaven then went on to in 1911, the Britannia Pub, at 515 Fulham Road, Fulham SW6; and in 1921 the Nell Gwynne, at 541 Kings road, Fulham SW6 (Mark Dies there in 1922). In 1927 Louisa went on to be the licensee of the Plough and Harrow, 27 East street, Epsom. Louisa died here in 1930 **

1930/Mrs Louisa Beaven/../../../Kellys Directory

1934/Joseph Simmonds/../../../Kellys Directory

1938/Joseph Simmonds/../../../Kellys Directory

* Provided By Kevin Cole

** Provided By Steve Beaven

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 22-Jan-2025 12:16:25 GMT