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Crown Inn, 191 High Street, Lewes

The address is also given as Market Street. This pub was established as the Black Lion, and renamed the Crown in 1790. **

Lewes pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Lewes, Sussex . The Lewes, Sussex listing uses information from census, Trade Directories and History to add licensees, bar staff, Lodgers and Visitors.

Crown, High Street, Lewes - 1883 Advertisement listing Mrs H Wingham

Crown, High Street, Lewes - 1883 Advertisement listing Mrs H Wingham

Crown Inn/Hotel, 191 High Street, Lewes - in April 2009

Crown Inn/Hotel, 191 High Street, Lewes - in April 2009

Both kindly provided by Stephen Harris

Residents at this address.

1675/Henry Townsend/../../../per: The Inns of Lewes - Past & Present **

1790/Joseph Spittle/../../../per: The Inns of Lewes - Past & Present **

1832/Sarah Osborne/../../../Pigot’s Directory

1839/George Bailey/../../../Pigot’s Directory **

1852/Thomas Read/../../../from correspondence held at the East Sussex Records Office **

1855/Thomas Reed/../../../Post Office Directory **

1858/Henry Wingham/../../../Melvilles Directory **

1865/H Wingham/../../../Simpson’s Directory **

1867/Henry Wingham/../../../Kelly’s Directory **

1870/Henry Wingham/../../../P.O. Directory **

1878/Henry Wingham/../../../Post Office Directory

1882/A Wingham/../../../Kelly’s Directory **

1883/Mrs H Wingham/../../../Holman’s Lewes Directory **

1891/John W L Bonner/Hotel Proprietor/37/Clapham, Surrey/Census
1891/Emma Bonner/Wife/32/Portsmouth, Hants/Census
1891/Laura Marsh/barmaid/26/Felpham, Sussex/Census
1891/Annie Goddard/General Servant/25/Portslade, Sussex/Census

1901/George W Staden/Licensed Victualler/38/Henbury, Berks/Census
1901/Elizabeth M Staden/Wife/34/Hythe, Hants/Census
1901/Bessie Moody/Barmaid/26/Crawley, Sussex/Census
1901/Mabel A Staden/Daughter/9/Natal, South Africa/Census
1901/George F Staden/Son/7/Lewes, Sussex/Census
1901/Jane Bysworth/Cook, Widow/54/Edmonton, Middlesex/Census

1905/Henry Francis Taylor/../../../Kelly’s Directory of Sussex **

1910/Mrs L B Crompton-Brown/../../../Pike’s Directory **

1913/Mrs Laurie Mead/../../../Kelly’s Directory of Sussex

1918/Percy W King/../../../Kelly’s Directory of Sussex

1938/Fredk. Jn. Edwards/../../../Kelly’s Directory **

** Provided By Stephen Harris

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 14:42:45 BST