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Wellington Inn, 90 Goodramgate, York

In 1885 there is the Golden Slipper at 94 Goodramgate; a Fox, at 92 Goodramgate which must be next door, with the Wellington at 90 Goodramgate.

York pub history index

Residents at this address

1829, Lord Wellington, Gideon Pettilla, 89 Goodram gate

1840, Wellington (Duke,) George Mountain, 90 Goodramgate

1851, Wellington Inn, Antony Hutchinson, 89 Goodramgate

In 1871 at the Wellington Inn, 89 Goodramgate, St John Delpike, York,
Lawrence Beeby, Publican, aged 50 and born in Rothwell, Northamptonshire
Jane Beeby, Sister, aged 39 and born in Rothwell, Northamptonshire
James Beeby, Brother, aged 43 and born in Rothwell, Northamptonshire
Louisa Willis, General domestic servant, aged 19 and born in Rothwell, Northamptonshire

1872, Wellington Inn, Lawrence Beeby, 90 Goodramgate

York Herald. 12 October 1872 - New Licensing Act
Applications for extension of time to :
Mrs Wheatley, Prince of Wales, Skeldergate; Mr Henry Ostick, Albert Hotel, Skeldergate; Mr L Beeby, Wellington, Goodramgate; Mr George Honigate, Coach and Horse, Low Ousegate; and Mr James Allen, Punch Bowl, Stonegate, open till twelve during the races.

1885, Wellington, Jas. Melbourne, Goodramgate

1895, Robert Dunsmore, victualler, 90 Goodramgate

1911, Wellington Inn, Goodramgate, Hinderer

In 1911 at Wellington Hotel Goodramgate York, Yorkshire
Henry Harrey Hinderer, Retired warrant officer army aged 53 years and born in Lambeth Surrey
Kathleen Hinderer, Wife aged 53 years and born in Dublin Resident
Edith Kathleen Mary Hinderer, Daughter, Assisting in hotel aged 27 years and born in Hongkong China Resident
Claude Michael Boys Hinderer, Son, Architects assistant, aged 24 years and born in Charlton Near Woolwich Kent
Beatrice Agnes Hinderer, Daughter aged 22 years and born in Charlton Near Woolwich Kent
Gwendoline Clare Hinderer, Daughter aged 19 years and born in Cardiff Glamorganshire
Adela Margaret Hinderer, Daughter aged 15 years and born in Southend on Sea Essex
Patricia Ethel Hinderer, Daughter aged 12 years and born in Singapore Straits Settlements Resident

1913, Wellington, 90 Goodramgate, Henry H Hinderer

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 11:22:47 BST